
De Lindehoeve

On this page you will find the prices of De Lindehoeve. These Prices include VAT and apply for 2023/2024. The summer stabling runs from 1 May to 15 October and the winter stabling from 15 October to 1 May, this is weather dependent.

Nursing home Prices

Service Prices from 01-11-2023
Older horse, stabling and grazing (all year round) €275,- each month
Injured horse, stabling and grazing (all year round) €290,- each month
walk-out stable for shetland pony's (all year round) €145,- each month
Single stable with paddock time. (We put them in and out for you) €350,- each month

Raising & breeding prices

Service Prices from 01-11-2023
Grazing foal and yearling €185,- each month
Grazing 2 years old €190,- each month
Grazing 3 years old €195,- each month
Grazing pregnant mare €225,- each month
Grazing mare and foal €320,- each month
Stabling foal + yearling €255,- each month
Stabling 2 years old €270 each month
Stabling 3 years old €295,- each month
Stabling pregnant/breeding mares €325,- each month
Stabling mare with foal €400,- each month
Stabling surrogate mare (for embryo transfer) from start mare guidance €15,- each day
Only grazing yearling, 2 years old, 3 years old (without subsequent winter stabling) €200,- each month
only grazing mare with foal(without subsequent winter stabling) €360,- each month
Only grazing 4 years old or older €250,- each month

Care and medical prices

Service Prices from 01-11-2023
Hoof care / cutting €40,- each time*
Manure testing and deworming €27,50 each time*
Influenza-/tetanus vaccination €23,50 each time*
Rhino vaccination €36,- each time
Strangles vaccination (Streptococcus equi) €37,50 each time*
Veterinary costs mare guidance €22,- each scan
Mare guidance (insemination and unlimited help) €242,-
give birth guidance €355,-
movie of the birth €100,-
Standing castration €255,-
Horizontal castration €300,-
Transport with a two-horse trailer €1,- p/km + €20,- starting rate
Dental care mechanic incl tranqilizer €145,-
Extra food €1,- kilo chunk
Veterinary costs Own expence
*Hoof care is normally done 3 times a year. Deworming is 4 times a year. The influenza / tetanus vaccination normally takes place twice a year and the rhino vaccination three times a year for pregnant mares and two times for other horses. Vaccination against strangles is optional for foals.

*Give birth with guidance contains: an extra large box, extra supervision and use of the birth alarm.